We know it's a little early for talk of spring just now, considering that we remain in the depths of winter. However, after a few dark months the thought of Valentine's Day with all it's beautiful decorations and the fun that comes with it, not to mention dreams of bright and colourful spring weddings, fill us with hope and the feeling of something to look forward to!
During the winter our customers almost always focus on classic red and white petals, maybe with some green hydrangea thrown in. These are the seasonal, Christmas colours and look oh-so-beautiful and winter weddings and for those romantic, festive engagements.
There is no doubt that as Valentine's Day approaches too, it's shades of red and pink rose petals that are in huge demand, as men prepare to propose and wow their other half with an utterly romantic V-Day display.
If you are looking for Valentine's Flowers be sure to check out our Valentine's Day Collection, and we would appreciate orders in by 3rd of February wherever possible!
Then heading into spring, all the colours come back into play - yellows, pinks, greens, blues, shades of lilac and purple. It's uplifting, heart-warming and beautiful to see!
That's when our Spring Collection comes into play, with so many choices to create colourful displays and add a sense of freshness, whimsey and fun to your big day.
If you are planning a Valentine's Day proposal or thinking of confetti for your Spring wedding, get in touch with us now. We're here to help you with advise on colours, quantities and when to order. You can email Dawn at sales@rosepetals.ie with your questions and we'll look forward to helping you plan your memorable petal moment.