We have beautiful petals for your wedding, proposal or event | Click for Delivery Details We have beautiful petals for your wedding, proposal, memorial or event | Click for Delivery Details


Beautiful Summer Petals on Sale - Grab Yourself a Bargain!

Beautiful Summer Petals on Sale - Grab Yourself a Bargain!

We have 3 beautiful summer shades of petals on sale at the moment. Perfect as wedding decoration, confetti, or for creating the ultimate romantic proposal.

Our freeze dried rose petals are eco-friendly and biodegradable, they won't wilt or stain under normal conditions, and stored correctly they will last for months (even years).

Why not pick up a box of our freeze dried rose petals and organise a petal toss to surprise a bride and groom? Or use the petals to create a stunning aisle, walkway or table centrepiece at your summer wedding?

Here are the 3 colours/mixes that we currently have on sale. Happy Shopping!


Budget Mixed Rose Petals @ only €29.00 for a 2 litre box http://rosepetals.ie/products/budget-mixed-rose-petals-2-litre-box


Vintage Red Rose Petals @ only €29.00 for a 2 litre box http://rosepetals.ie/products/vintageredrosepetals


Tropical Punch Rose Petals @ only €25.00 for a 2 litre box http://rosepetals.ie/products/2-litre-box-tropical-punch